5 Ways To Overcome Rejection In Telemarketing

Ways To Overcome Rejection In Telemarketing

5 Ways To Overcome Rejection In Telemarketing

Career success is typically tied to one’s self-worth in our society; we all want to be loved. Fear tells us that we’re putting ourselves out there and risking failure and social rejection when we do so. When it comes to selling, no one is exempt from the constant risk of being rejected.

“I’ll be fired if I don’t close this deal. “I’ll be unable to pay my bills, my spouse won’t be interested in me, and my family’s proof that I’ll never amount to anything if I’m fired from my job.”

These thoughts perfectly illustrate what most people in sales feel about their job.

To share with all of you, I had a friend who worked as a telemarketer and I still remember when he told me that he dreaded his job. After failing to reach sales goals one day, he became paralyzed with terror. In his personal life, the fear of losing a job affected him greatly. He was in constant conflict with his wife and his family, and he was generally unhappy. He is not, in my opinion, an outlier. Telemarketers and sales reps alike face the same obstacles when it comes to sales rejection, and business owners struggle to help their sales people overcome objections so they can close more deals. It’s time to do something about it.

You’ll learn how to deal with sales rejection in telemarketing and how to help your team and yourself move from a terrified to an unafraid frame of mind in this article.

  1. Examine Your Selling Methods
  2. Put Your Listening Skill Into Practice
  3. Keep In Touch
  4. Keep A Positive Frame Of Mind
  5. Don’t Take It Too Seriously



Building better relationships and avoiding pitching too early are two things that each salesperson may take to increase their results. However, you must perform a lot of self-reflection at the end of the day. Consider every sales rejection as an opportunity to learn something new. Attempt to deconstruct each transaction to see what went wrong and what went correctly. External issues on the client’s end might sometimes be the source of a rejection. It’s sometimes the result of a competitor beating you to the punch or offering a better deal than you. And occasionally your product isn’t a good fit for what your lead is looking for. You won’t be able to enhance your sales unless you figure out why your presentations are failing.

Next, determine your sales conversion rate as well as the industry average. It’s as familiar to you as the lyrics of your favorite song. You may feel as if you’re getting a lot of “no’s,” but this is likely due to the nature of your product or service. You can’t judge your sales ability unless you know how it stacks up against others in your ecosystem. Learn about your own talents and weaknesses. What effect does your behavior have on your sales? Prepare your pitches in front of the mirror, record your practices, and anticipate frequent objections. Knowing how your voice and expressions change as you talk about different topics can help you enhance the quality of your in-person, video chat, email, social, and phone pitches.

Aside from that, don’t be hesitant to ask questions such as, “Did I do a good job emphasizing the benefits of the product or service?” Have you forgotten to mention something that you typically do? Consider sending a quick survey to clients after a successful sale to assist you figure out what elements contributed to your success. Send one to prospects who also rejected your pitch for extra brownie points. What are the worst-case scenarios? Your request is simply ignored.


Did you know, listening is especially important during the actual conversation? The most effective technique to sell is to actively listen more and speak more meaningfully. Create a positive relationship with your customers because people will buy from individuals they like. Demonstrate genuine interest in how they are doing by engaging in a conversation about a similar extracurricular activity or simply cracking a joke to lighten the atmosphere. After that, ask insightful questions as well. Don’t hesitate to give the prospect an adequate chance to discuss their company, worries, and requirements. You’d be astonished at how much information can be gleaned just reading between the lines.

Not to be forgotten, attempt to construct a picture of a joyful conclusion for them. After you’ve listened carefully, demonstrate to them that their objectives can be met with your answer. Be the one who writes their story, but don’t be too ready to get started. Whenever someone raises a price issue, don’t give up and start lowering right away. Understand where the pricing objection comes from first, and then stand firm on the value of your offering. Along with creating rapport, it is important to establish trust. If a prospect inquires as to if there are any other suitable options available, name a few good competitors. It conveys sincerity and self-assurance. Being prepared to explain why is essential, however.



If we look at it from the standpoint of telemarketing, I believe it is fair to say that only a small number of sales or appointments are made on our very first contact with the decision-maker. It is not uncommon for it to take anywhere between 5 and 10 phone calls to generate genuine interest and set up a sales appointment. When it comes to sales prospects, it’s amazing how many slip through the cracks because of a lack of follow-up. You shouldn’t expect sales to happen on your first pitch.

The data from HubSpot shows that 44% of salespeople give up after a single unsuccessful offer, yet prospects require more than a straightforward transaction. In fact, 80 percent of purchases require at least five further follow-up engagements. Another 20 percent will hold off on making a purchase for 12 months after asking information about your company from you. Unless you’re giving up after the first pitch, you’ve given up far too soon. When your finest pitch fails to impress, it might be difficult to find the motivation to try again, yet it may be exactly what your prospect requires in this situation.

If you and the other party agree on a time and day for a follow-up phone call, mark it in your calendar, on your task list, or, better, on your CRM system, and regard it as an absolutely necessary phone meeting that must take place. After all, you wouldn’t bother to show up for a face-to-face meeting or a scheduled phone contact with your most valuable customer, would you? It’s understandable. That phone call you didn’t pick up could very well have been from your next best customer!



Preparation is easier when you know what is going to happen rather than when you don’t. As soon as you accept that rejection is a fact of life, use your knowledge to your advantage. Consider the following questions:

– Are there a variety of reasons why someone might say no to your proposal?

– Rather than putting a stop to the discussion, what can I say in response to these arguments?

– How do I gracefully accept a firm “no”?

While there are many various reasons why people say no, you can prepare solutions that help them see your offer from an entirely different perspective if you anticipate their objections in advance. When someone initially says no, this can help them alter their mind and say yes. When people refuse to modify their beliefs, smile and shake hands with them. How does this make you feel better? Even if you don’t feel happy, you can reply in a positive manner if you practise how to respond to rejection. Your feelings will eventually catch up with your actions.

In addition, choosing to focus on the larger picture rather than dwelling on each no will help you maintain a positive outlook. Assume some of the individuals you meet will become clients. That percentage is not always under your control. However, you may be able to influence the percentage of new clients that that percentage represents. That’s a good overview.

Dealing with negativity is a regular element of the sales process. It’s just part of the territory. When bad things happen to us, such as being turned down by gatekeepers or losing transactions, we experience negativity, and we experience it via the way we speak to ourselves in our heads on a subconscious level. Every day, make an effort to feed your brain with good thoughts. Inspiring quotations, motivational music, historical accounts of resilience and determination are all on the menu this week. You must maintain your good attitude. You are capable of completing the task. Never lose sight of the fact that you are just one prospect away from closing a sale that will change your life.



The advice that salespeople despise the most, despite the fact that they understand its reality, is that they should not lose a commission since the loss of a commission impacts their own income and, if they do not improve to reach their quota, the loss of their employment. Recognize that rejection is an unavoidable aspect of the job as a telemarketing, and accept it. It should never come as a surprise to you. It is not something to be avoided, but rather something to be accepted as a fact of life and dealt with responsibly. Don’t let the rejection impact you since you might get a call from someone who is ready to see the demo that you are talking about on the following call.

To convince yourself that you can be anyone, it’s important to recognise that rejection is not directed directly at you. Repudiation, on the other hand, might be caused by a variety of factors that have nothing to do with them, such as poor timing, negative experiences with past sales representatives, business conditions, economic issues, and even bad moods. None of which will be revealed to you by gatekeepers or even decision makers. Clients simply refuse to do business with you. It’s not a problem. Winners merely smile and move on to the next person on their list of potential customers or vendors.

Here you go, these are the 5 ways to overcome rejections. And, if you wish to upskill yourself to learn more about the right telemarketing mindset, telemarketing persuasion techniques or  telemarketing strategies, we have got you covered in our telemarketing program.

In SH Retail Academy, we combine application successes that are time-proven from Senheng with the latest knowledge and concepts to bring effective retail industry training programs for companies in Malaysia. Beginning from the formulation of our training program outlines, content and delivery methods; each process is derived using retail thought process and retail needs. Should you need any assistance, be it offline or online, we’ve got you covered with more valuable tools.

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    Written By Syuhada Rozihas,SHRA Corporate Trainer

    Syuhada Rozihas is a Corporate Trainer at SH Retail Academy who is passionate about making a difference. She has trained more than 1,000 sales professionals, executives and managers in the areas of retail sales. Meanwhile, in her free time, she enjoys hiking, running and baking. You can find her on LinkedIn.

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