
  • What Retailers Need to Plan for Good Upskilling in Retail Management?

    What Retailers Need to Plan for Good Upskilling in Retail Management?

    In today’s competitive retail management landscape, a skilled workforce is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity for survival. But simply throwing money at generic training programs isn’t enough. Retailers need a strategic plan for upskilling their employees by equipping them with the competency and productivity needed to thrive in an ever-evolving environment. This means going beyond basic job skills and investing in programs that develop well-rounded retail professionals who can effectively engage with customers, navigate complex inventory systems, and contribute to a positive store environment.


    Invest in Targeted Retail Management Training

    Focus on retail management training programs with a clear return on investment (ROI). Skip expensive generic team-building exercises that may have some value but don’t directly translate to increased sales or improved customer service. Instead, invest in targeted retail management programs that address the specific needs of your store and your employees. This might include training on new product lines, customer service techniques specific to your industry, or inventory management systems. By tailoring your training to your business goals, you’ll ensure that your employees are gaining the skills they need to make a real difference on the job.

    retail management

    Develop Well-Rounded Employees

    Train your team in all the key retail management areas:

    • Product Knowledge: Turn your employees into product experts! Train them on the features, benefits, and uses of what you sell. This empowers them to confidently guide customers, answer questions in detail, and recommend ideal purchases based on the customer’s specific needs.  In today’s omnichannel retail environment, where customers may research products online before coming into the store, a knowledgeable sales staff can provide a valuable service by offering insights and recommendations that can’t be easily found online.
    • Customer Service Skills: Equip your team with the skills to craft a welcoming atmosphere, build trust with customers, and gracefully address any concerns. Remember, exceptional customer service is the cornerstone of customer loyalty.  Training should cover everything from verbal and nonverbal communication techniques to conflict resolution strategies.  By providing your employees with the tools they need to handle customer interactions effectively, you can ensure that your customers have a positive experience and are more likely to return to your store.
    • Sales Techniques: Embrace sales training!  Equipping your employees with ethical upselling, cross-selling, and closing techniques can significantly boost your revenue.  However, it’s important to remember that the goal of sales training should not be to pressure customers into buying things they don’t need.  Instead, the focus should be on helping customers find the products that are the best fit for their needs and budget.  By providing employees with the skills to build rapport with customers and understand their needs, you can create a win-win situation where both the customer and the store benefit from the interaction.
    • Store Operations: From mastering cash register operation to streamlining inventory management and upholding store policies, a well-oiled store relies on employees who are proficient in the operational essentials.  Training in these areas can help to improve efficiency, reduce errors, and ensure that your store runs smoothly.

    retail management

    See the Positive Impact

    By investing in targeted retail management training, you’ll see a positive impact on your store’s success:

    • Increased Sales: A skilled team can effectively recommend products and close sales.
    • Improved Customer Satisfaction: Happy and knowledgeable employees create a positive customer experience.
    • More Efficient Workforce: A well-trained team operates smoothly, reducing errors and saving time.


    By focusing on these key retail management areas, you can upskill your retail workforce and unlock the potential for increased sales, improved customer satisfaction, and a more efficient operation.


    Master retail in today’s dynamic market with our retail management training.  Our program equips you with the principles of customer service excellence, emphasizing positivity, patience, listening, and continuous improvement to transform customer interactions and drive business success.  Enroll today and take control of your retail future.


    Written by Amir Ashraff

    SHRA Corporate Trainer


    Amir is a trainer from SH Retail Academy. His passion for teaching and business handling gives him a lot of experience in teaching, training, retailing, customer service and operation management. 


    Reference: How to Develop and Train Retail Employees

     134 total views,  13 views today

  • How to Prioritize HRD Retail Management Training Budget

    How to Prioritize HRD Retail Management Training Budget

    In retail management, your business requires employees that have more skill in the line of work. So, it is crucial to prioritize the HRD fund for more effective training. Most retailers believe that teamwork is the key to increase productivity and sales. However, the study believed that the allocation of the budget to training is not supposed to be the focus; rather, it is important to get successful training, match with company direction and enable employees to grow in the company.  The increasingly competitive nature in the retail industry required businesses to be more adaptive to the changes in trends and technologies as stated in the HRD insights and reports.

    retail management

    The issues that businesses must be addressed through strategic and focused retail management training:

    1. Rapid Technological Changes: The pace at which technology evolves can be overwhelming for retail businesses. Keeping staff updated with the latest tools and systems is crucial but challenging, as it requires ongoing training and resources.
    2. Changing Consumer Preferences: Consumer trends can shift quickly, and retailers need to respond promptly to stay relevant. This requires employees to continually adapt their sales techniques and service approaches, which in turn demands flexible and responsive training programs.
    3. High Employee Turnover: Retail typically experiences higher turnover rates than many other industries. Constantly hiring and training new employees to be competent and efficient is resource-intensive and can strain training budgets.
    4. Scalability of Training: As retail businesses expand, whether by increasing the number of stores or growing in geographical reach, scaling training programs to meet diverse needs without compromising quality becomes a significant challenge.
    5. Balancing Cost and Effectiveness: Investing in effective training programs is essential for competitive advantage, but it must be balanced against the cost. Retailers need to achieve the best return on investment in training, optimizing costs while maximizing impact.
    6. Integration of Omnichannel Strategies: With the growth of omnichannel retailing, employees must be skilled not only in traditional sales and customer service but also in managing online interactions and understanding digital analytics. Training for such a wide range of competencies can be complex and difficult to manage.


    While the challenges we face involve more than just team building exercises, it’s important that we also pay close attention to the changes in technology and the ways customers choose to buy products in the retail industry. Understanding and adapting to these changes will help us stay competitive and meet our customers’ needs more effectively. These outlines show you how to ensure that your investment in retail management training yields the best possible results:

    1. Align Training with Strategic Goals: Ensure that your retail management training budget aligns with your company’s objectives. Engage with the stakeholders to identify training needs that support the company’s direction and address specific industry challenges.
    2. Assess Training Needs Thoroughly: Determine the specific areas where your team lacks skills or faces challenges. Use surveys, interviews, and performance data to identify these gaps and prioritize retail management training that prepares your team for upcoming opportunities and improvements.
    3. Choose Effective Training Methods: Select the training format that best suits your team’s needs and the content to be learned, considering factors like cost, effectiveness, and learner engagement. Blend different training methods to enhance learning retention and interest.
    4. Leverage Internal and External Resources: Utilize existing internal resources like manuals, videos, and experienced employees for training. Also, consider external resources like professional trainers or online courses to provide specialized knowledge and broaden learning opportunities.
    5. Evaluate and Refine Training Continuously: Regularly assess the effectiveness of your retail management training programs using feedback, performance metrics, and learning outcomes. Continuously refine and adapt your training strategies based on these evaluations to ensure optimal use of your training budget and sustained improvement in team performance.

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    In conclusion, for retail businesses to succeed in today’s competitive market, it’s very important to use their training budgets wisely. Retailers need to make sure their retail management training programs match the company’s goals, clearly understand what training is needed, choose the right ways to teach, and use both the resources they already have and new ones they can find. Also, they should keep checking and improving their training plans to make sure they are working well. By focusing on these steps, retailers can build a team that is well-prepared to handle any challenges and help the business grow. Good training leads to better employee skills and a stronger business, making it a smart investment for any retail company.


    Join us in exploring retail management training opportunities in customer service, leadership, sales skills, and other crucial areas for productivity and retail management. These programs help businesses develop essential skills to enhance their productivity and efficiency.


    Written by Amir Ashraff

    SHRA Corporate Trainer


    Amir is a trainer from SH Retail Academy. His passion for teaching and business handling gives him a lot of experience in teaching, training, retailing, customer service and operation management. 

     137 total views,  14 views today

  • The 5 Golden Rules of Customer Service Excellence

    The 5 Golden Rules of Customer Service Excellence

    The 5 Golden Rules of Customer Service Excellence Retail Management Training

    In the realm of customer service, the difference between mediocrity and excellence can significantly impact a company’s reputation and bottom line. Drawing from industry insights and principles highlighted by Qualtrics, an authority on experience management, this article outlines the golden rules for achieving customer service excellence. Implementing these strategies can transform your customer interactions from merely transactional to genuinely exceptional.


    The Golden Rules of Customer Service Excellence in Retail Management Training


    5 golden rules of customer service excellence:

    1.  Stay Positive in Handling Customer
    2. Patient is The Key
    3. Listening is a Must for Customer Service
    4. Handle Customer Gracefully
    5. Learning and Improving Your Customer Service Skills


    Stay Positive in Handling Customers Retail Management Training

    A positive attitude is contagious and can set the tone for the entire customer interaction. Approach each customer with a can-do spirit, focusing on solutions rather than problems. Use positive language that emphasizes what can be done and the steps you’re taking to resolve any issues. Remember, the energy you project can greatly influence the outcome of a customer interaction.


    Patience is The Key Retail Management Training

    Patience isn’t just a virtue; it’s a necessity in customer service. Taking the time to truly understand the customer’s needs, concerns, and frustrations without rushing can make all the difference. A patient approach allows for better comprehension of the problem at hand and conveys respect and value to the customer.


    Listening is a Must for Customer Service Retail Management Training

    Active listening forms the cornerstone of effective customer service. It’s not enough to simply hear the words a customer is saying; understanding the emotions and intentions behind those words is crucial. By practicing active listening, you demonstrate empathy and can tailor your solutions more effectively to meet the customer’s needs.


    Handle Customers Gracefully Retail Management Training

    Grace under pressure is an essential trait for customer service professionals. Handling difficult situations, complaints, or irate customers with composure and tact reflects well on your brand. By maintaining a calm demeanor, you can defuse tense situations and lead the interaction towards a more positive resolution.


    Learning and Improving Your Customer Service Skills Retail Management Training

    The landscape of customer service is ever-evolving, necessitating continuous learning and skill improvement. Stay informed about best practices, emerging technologies, and customer preferences. Regular training and feedback sessions can help you refine your approach and ensure you’re providing the best possible service.


    Implementing The Golden Rules Retail Management Training

    Implementing these golden rules requires commitment from every level of the organization. From frontline staff to management, a unified approach to embodying these principles is key. Invest in training that emphasizes these core values, and make use of technology that enhances, rather than replaces, the human element of customer service.

    In conclusion, excellence in customer service is not achieved by adhering to a rigid set of instructions but by cultivating a culture that values positivity, patience, active listening, gracefulness, and continuous improvement. By focusing on these principles, companies can create memorable experiences that not only satisfy customers but also turn them into loyal advocates.

    For those aiming to master retail store management in today’s dynamic environment, obtaining Customer Service is a wise move. This retail management training will arm you with the principles of customer service excellence with retail management training, emphasizing positivity, patience, listening, gracefulness, and continuous improvement as keys to transforming customer interactions and achieving business success.


    Written by Amir Ashraff

    SHRA Corporate Trainer

    Amir is a trainer from SH Retail Academy. His passion for teaching and business handling gives him a lot of experience in teaching, training, retailing, customer service and operation management.

    Reference: Customer service and how to improve it

     823 total views,  11 views today

  • Why Retail Management Training is Essential: Top 3 Emerging Retail Trends in 2024

    Why Retail Management Training is Essential: Top 3 Emerging Retail Trends in 2024

    Why Retail Management Training is Essential: Top 3 Emerging Retail Trends in 2024

    The retail landscape is undergoing a transformative shift, evolving at an unprecedented pace as we venture into 2024. This dynamic change is driven by several key trends that are poised to redefine the way businesses engage with their customers, paving the way for an era of innovation and personalized service that was once thought to be the distant future. From the rapid advancements in technology to the shifting patterns of customer behavior and the indispensable need for adaptability, the future of retail is being shaped to offer personalized, efficient, and seamless shopping experiences that cater to the modern consumer’s expectations. As we delve deeper into these trends, it becomes clear that the retail sector’s evolution is not just about embracing change but about leading it, setting new benchmarks for customer engagement and satisfaction. 


    Let’s explore the top three emerging retail sales trends set to boost the sector in 2024 and examine how they will influence the strategies of retailers worldwide.

    1. Technology Advancements
    2. Changing Customer Behavior
    3. Adaptability to Survive


    Retail Management Training Focus: Top 3 Emerging Trends

    Technology Advancements Retail Management Training Focus: Top 3 Emerging Trends

    The forefront of retail innovation is undoubtedly technology. Retailers are leveraging cutting-edge tech to not only streamline operations but also to significantly enhance the shopping experience for their customers. Automation plays a pivotal role here, with businesses employing sophisticated systems to manage inventory, provide personalized product recommendations, and even automate customer service through chatbots that can handle detailed queries. This shift is not just about efficiency; it’s about reallocating human resources to areas where they can make a more impactful difference, such as in personalized customer service, thereby elevating the overall customer experience.


    Retail Management Training Focus: Top 3 Emerging Trends

    Changing Customer Behavior Retail Management Training Focus: Top 3 Emerging Trends

    As technology evolves, so do customer expectations. Today’s consumers demand more than just a product; they seek an experience that is tailored to their preferences and seamless across all touchpoints. Recognizing this, retailers are maximizing personalized omnichannel experiences. Take Sephora, for instance, which has masterfully integrated technology to offer customized shopping experiences both online and in-store. This approach ensures that customers enjoy a consistent and personalized journey, whether they are shopping on a website, through an app, or in a physical store, leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty.


    Retail Management Training Focus: Top 3 Emerging Trends

    Adaptability to Survive Retail Management Training Focus: Top 3 Emerging Trends

    The retail sector’s ability to adapt to new trends and consumer demands is crucial for survival and growth. A prime example of adaptability is the shift towards lifestyle shopping. Retailers like Nike are creating ecosystems that offer more than just products. Through their apps, they provide a mix of services, content, and community interactions, fostering continuous relationships with their customers. This strategy not only enhances the shopping experience but also integrates the brand into the customer’s lifestyle, making it a daily touchpoint rather than a transactional one.


    Conclusion Retail Management Training Focus: Top 3 Emerging Trends

    The retail industry in 2024 is shaping up to be an exciting mix of technology-driven solutions, personalized customer experiences, and adaptable business models. By focusing on automating operations to win on customer experience, personalizing omnichannel interactions, and scaling technology to cater to lifestyle shopping, retailers can not only meet but exceed the expectations of modern consumers. These strategies are not just about keeping up with the competition; they are about setting new standards for what shopping can be. As we move forward, it’s clear that the retailers who embrace these trends will be the ones leading the pack in the dynamic world of retail sales.

    For those aiming to master retail store management in today’s dynamic environment, obtaining a Retail Management Training is a wise move. This training will arm you with the necessary tools to tackle modern retail challenges and unlock potential avenues for expansion. Initiate your educational path now to gear up for the retail sector’s evolution.


    Written by Amir Ashraff

    SHRA Corporate Trainer

    Amir is a trainer from SH Retail Academy. His passion for teaching and business handling gives him a lot of experience in teaching, training, retailing, customer service and operation management.

    Reference: 3 Trends Set to Boost Retail Sales in 2024

     798 total views,  11 views today

  • Navigating Strategy Setbacks In Retail Management: 3 Traps Every Leader Should Avoid

    Navigating Strategy Setbacks In Retail Management: 3 Traps Every Leader Should Avoid

    Navigating Strategy Setbacks In Retail Management: 3 Traps Every Leader Should Avoid

    In the intricate world of retail management, the journey to becoming an effective leader is fraught with challenges. Guiding a team towards unified goals and navigating the complexities of executing strategies require a blend of resilience, strategic foresight, and the ability to turn challenges into opportunities for growth. This is particularly true in the dynamic retail sector, where leadership can significantly impact the success and adaptation of the business to market changes. Additionally, for leaders seeking to enhance their skills within this sector, HRDF claimable retail leadership training programs offer a pathway to not only refine their leadership capabilities but also leverage training investments to benefit both individuals and organizations alike.


    Avoiding Common Leadership Traps3 traps

    Leaders in retail management must be wary of several pitfalls that can undermine their effectiveness and the performance of their organizations. Recognizing and avoiding these traps is crucial for fostering a positive organizational culture and steering the team towards success.

    Trap 1: Trying To Do Everything

    Trap 1: Trying To Do Everything3 traps

    In the attempt to meet every demand and address every possible need, retail leaders may find themselves stretched too thin. This overextension can result in a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none scenario, diluting the impact and excellence that the business could otherwise achieve. Strategic focus is key, with an emphasis on areas where the business can truly stand out and excel.

    Trap 2: Lack Of Specific Action Plans

    Trap 2: Lack Of Specific Action Plans3 traps

    The absence of clear, detailed action plans can turn strategic intentions into nothing more than wishful thinking. Retail leadership requires actionable strategies with specific goals, deadlines, and responsibilities outlined. This clarity bridges the gap between intentions and tangible outcomes, ensuring that the team is aligned and progress is achievable.

    Trap 3: Neglecting Progress Tracking

    Trap 3: Neglecting Progress Tracking3 traps

    Leadership is not just about setting the direction; it’s also about keeping the journey on course. Without effective progress tracking, it becomes difficult to gauge success, identify areas needing improvement, and maintain the momentum towards achieving strategic goals. Systematic monitoring of key performance indicators (KPIs) and milestones is essential for any retail management strategy to be successful.

    Transforming Setbacks into Opportunities3 traps

    The ability to navigate through setbacks and transform them into opportunities for improvement is a hallmark of effective leadership in retail management. Leaders must embrace adaptability, foster collaboration, and maintain an open line of communication with their teams and stakeholders. Learning from failures and maintaining a long-term perspective can help leaders avoid the rigidity and short-term distractions that often derail progress.

    HRDF Claimable Retail Leadership Training3 traps

    For leaders in the retail sector, continuous learning and development are vital. HRDF claimable retail leadership training programs offer an excellent opportunity for retail managers and leaders to refine their skills, learn new strategies, and stay ahead of industry trends. These programs, often eligible for HRD Corp, previously named as HRDF claims, provide a cost-effective way for businesses to invest in their leadership talent, ensuring that their teams are led by individuals equipped with the latest insights and strategies in retail management.

    Investing in such training can empower leaders with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of the retail industry, from managing customer relationships and adapting to digital transformation to implementing new retail strategies that drive business success.

    Conclusion3 traps

    In the fast-paced and ever-evolving retail sector, effective leadership is more critical than ever. By avoiding common leadership traps, embracing continuous learning through HRDF claimable retail leadership training, and applying strategic insights to overcome challenges, retail leaders can drive their organizations towards sustained success. The journey of leadership in retail management is one of continuous growth and adaptation, where the ability to transform setbacks into stepping stones defines the path to excellence and innovation.

    As we look to the future of retail, the importance of skilled leadership cannot be overstated. Leaders who are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and adaptability to navigate the retail landscape will find themselves well-positioned to lead their teams to new heights of success. Whether through leveraging HRDF claimable training programs or embracing a culture of continuous improvement, the opportunity for retail leaders to make a significant impact is immense. Start your journey towards becoming a more effective retail leader today, and unlock the potential for growth, innovation, and resilience within your organization.

    Written by Nik Nur Azizah

    SHRA Corporate Trainer

    Nik is a trainer from SH Retail Academy. Her working background focuses mainly on coaching and advising people to focus on team goals and identifying team strengths. Her passion in training and learning led her to join the SHRA team as Corporate Trainer for their mission in helping people learn, progress, and use knowledge that fits retail industry needs.

    reference: 3 Traps to Avoid When Executing Your Strategy

     1,132 total views,  10 views today

  • 2024 Retail Forecast: Key Challenges and Growth Opportunities

    2024 Retail Forecast: Key Challenges and Growth Opportunities

    2024 Retail Forecast: Key Challenges and Growth Opportunities


    As the calendar flips to 2024, the retail management sector stands at the verge of a new era. In Malaysia, as well as internationally, retail businesses are navigating through a sea of change propelled by technology, shifting consumer expectations, and the changes in the global economy. These factors are not just reshaping the marketplace; they’re redefining the very essence of retail management. The need for innovative strategies and a forward-thinking approach has never been more critical to overcome these challenges and seize the burgeoning opportunities.

    Growth Opportunity 1: Platform as the New Rent Collector

    Growth Opportunity 1: Platform as the New Rent Collector

    Key Challenge 1: Adapting to the Digital Marketplace  Retail Forecast

    The dominance of the digital marketplace has redrawn the boundaries of retail. E-commerce platforms such as Lazada and Shopee have carved out substantial market shares, setting new benchmarks for consumer convenience and choice. This digital explosion presents a conundrum for traditional retail entities. The transition from a physical storefront to an online presence requires a strategic overhaul. Retailers must weigh the benefits of expanded market access against potential downsides like diminished control over the customer experience and the financial implications of platform fees.

    Growth Opportunity 1: Platform as the New Rent Collector Retail Forecast

    Yet, within this challenge lies a significant opportunity. Embracing online platforms can unlock new avenues for growth and customer engagement. Strategic alliances with these digital giants can empower retailers to negotiate better terms, glean customer insights, and boost their market presence. The successful integration of online platforms into the broader retail management strategy can transform perceived adversaries into powerful allies, fostering a collaborative environment that propels sales and brand visibility.

    Growth Opportunity 2: Transform The Information In Your Hand To Big Data Business Forecast

    Growth Opportunity 2: Transform The Information In Your Hand To Big Data Business Forecast

    Key Challenge 2: Harnessing the Power of Big Data Retail Forecast

    Retailers possess a wealth of data on customer preferences and purchasing patterns, but making sense of this information can be daunting. The challenge lies in transforming raw data into actionable insights to inform decision-making without compromising customer privacy.

    Growth Opportunity 2: Transform The Information In Your Hand To Big Data Business Forecast Retail Forecast

    By employing advanced analytics tools, retailers can unlock the potential of big data to drive business growth. Analyzing customer data enables retailers to personalize their marketing, optimize their product offerings, and refine operational efficiencies. A data-driven approach can forecast market trends, elevate customer satisfaction, and secure a competitive edge, positioning retailers as frontrunners in the race for market dominance.

    Growth Opportunity 3: Drive Traffic To Online Store, Win Customers’ Hearts In Offline Store

    Growth Opportunity 3: Drive Traffic To Online Store, Win Customers’ Hearts In Offline Store

    Key Challenge 3: Integrating Online and Offline Experiences Retail Forecast

    Both online and offline retail strategies presents a unique set of challenges. Online channels often offer convenience and competitive pricing, but they lack of personalized experiences that physical stores can provide. Therefore, online conversion rate may be low, and this makes retailers doubt on the ROI of online channels. However, with the shift in customer’s behaviour towards online shopping, this can lead to fewer people visiting physical stores and a challenge in making online and in-store work well together.

    Growth Opportunity 3: Drive Traffic To Online Store, Win Customers’ Hearts In Offline Store Retail Forecast

    The solution lies in a harmonious integration of online and offline channels, leveraging the strengths of each to create a cohesive customer journey. Strategies such as ‘Online to Offline’ (O2O) commerce can drive online traffic to physical stores, where customers can enjoy the benefits of both convenience and personalized service. By offering options like buy-online-pick-up-in-store (BOPIS), retailers can encourage customers to engage with their brand across multiple touchpoints, enhancing sales opportunities and building customer loyalty.


    Conclusion Retail Forecast

    In the dynamic retail landscape of 2024, retailers face both challenges and opportunities. By embracing digital transformation, harnessing the power of data, and prioritizing seamless omnichannel experiences, retailers can position themselves for success in an evolving marketplace.

    If you want to be good at managing a retail store in today’s world, consider getting a Professional Certificate in New Retail Strategy. This can teach you how to deal with the challenges of modern retail management and find opportunities for growth. Start learning now to be ready for the future of retail.



    Written by Amir Ashraff

    SHRA Corporate Trainer

    Amir is a trainer from SH Retail Academy. His passion for teaching and business handling gives him a lot of experience in teaching, training, retailing, customer service and operation management. 


    Reference: The biggest challenges and opportunities for the retail season 2024 

     468 total views,  6 views today

  • Retain Your Best Talent in 2024: Leveraging HRD Claimable Funds

    Retain Your Best Talent in 2024: Leveraging HRD Claimable Funds

    Retain Your Best Talent in 2024: Leveraging HRD Claimable Funds


    “2 months notice period, 1 months notice period or even more advance 24-hours notice period” 


    HR or bosses, are you familiar with these terms? It’s getting harder and harder to retain your staff. If they are no longer serving the company, the heartache is lesser. Imagine your best employees decided to leave? We can imagine how painful it must feel for you. That is why we want to share with you on how to retain you BEST TALENT in 2024. 


    Since we are still in the beginning of the year, it is still not too late to understand what might be the challenges that our company might face in retaining the talent. 


    1. As we enter 2024, more than half of the employees surveyed (53%) are thinking about leaving their current jobs. This indicates a notable increase in people switching workplaces. Companies should be prepared for this expected surge in employees deciding to move on.


    2. In the past year, 77% of employers found it difficult to find people to fill their job openings. More than a quarter of these individuals left their jobs to take care of their children and family. This shortage of workers is expected to continue into next year.


    3. Getting people to apply for jobs is hard, but it’s even tougher to find applicants with the right skills. On average, 44% of new hires in Malaysia need to learn or improve their skills to do their jobs well. This emphasizes the importance of providing good training and opportunities for learning new skills.


    With all these challenges that we are seeing in this year, there must be ways to overcome it. Let us share with you what we can do to retain talent and at the same time utilizing HRD claimable funds.


    Highlighting the Importance of Employee Development:

    Emphasizing the strategic nature of investing in training and development is paramount. By utilizing HRD claimable funds for employee development, companies not only enhance individual skills but also cultivate a workforce that is well-equipped to contribute to the company’s overall success and growth.


    Connecting Training to Employee Satisfaction:

    Utilizing HRD claimable funds to provide training opportunities is a testament to the company’s commitment to employee growth and satisfaction. When employees feel supported in their professional development journey, they are more likely to stay with the company, fostering a sense of loyalty and job satisfaction.


    Positioning HRD as a Retention Strategy:

    In the competitive job market of 2024, HRD claimable funds stand out as a valuable tool for retaining top talent. Companies can showcase the continuous learning opportunities made possible through HRD investments, creating an environment where employees not only feel valued but are also actively invested in the company’s success.


    Linking HRD to Flexible Work Arrangements:

    Connecting HRD claimable funds with flexible work arrangements acknowledges the evolving preferences of the workforce, including the desire for flexible work options and remote work. Positioning HRD investments as part of a comprehensive retention strategy signals that the company cares about both professional and personal growth, creating an appealing work environment.


    Emphasizing the Dual Benefit of Training and Remote Work:

    Illustrating the synergy between HRD claimable funds and remote work options becomes crucial. This combination offers employees a compelling package, providing the opportunity to enhance their skills through training while enjoying the flexibility of working in a way that suits their lifestyle. This dual benefit not only attracts but retains top talent.


    Addressing Diverse Learning Needs:

    Highlighting that HRD claimable funds can be tailored to address the diverse learning needs of employees is key. By showcasing a commitment to individualized learning experiences, companies contribute to a positive employee experience, catering to the varied skills and backgrounds within the workforce.


    Aligning DEI Initiatives with HRD:

    Connecting HRD investments with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives reinforces the importance of inclusive learning. By designing training programs that promote diversity, companies ensure that employees from all backgrounds have equal access to development opportunities, contributing to a more inclusive workplace.


    In conclusion, as we navigate the challenges of talent retention in 2024, leveraging HRD claimable funds emerges as a strategic imperative. This is where SHRA, a leading training company, plays a pivotal role. By collaborating with SHRA, companies can effectively channel HRD funds to emphasize employee development, satisfaction, and the alignment of HRD with flexible work arrangements.


    Source: Future State of Hiring & Retention

    Written by Nik Nur Azizah

    SHRA Corporate Trainer


    Nik is a trainer from SH Retail Academy. Her working background focuses mainly on coaching and advising people to focus on team goals and identifying team strengths. Her passion in training and learning led her to join the SHRA team as Corporate Trainer for their mission in helping people learn, progress, and use knowledge that fits retail industry needs.

     1,602 total views,  14 views today

  • New Year, New HR Strategies for Effective Retail Management

    New Year, New HR Strategies for Effective Retail Management

    New Year, New HR Strategies for Effective Retail Management

    Did you know that 65% of HR leaders now say employee experience is their top priority? That’s a huge shift, and it’s shaking up the retail training world too. As a retail training provider here in Malaysia, I’m seeing firsthand how these trends are transforming the way we prepare our retail heroes for success.

    Here’s a glimpse of what’s got me buzzing for 2024:


    1. Employee Experience Takes Center Stage New Year, New HR Strategies for Effective Retail Management


    Forget just training folks on how to fold sweaters – it’s all about crafting a positive employee journey now. We gotta make them feel valued, heard, and like they’re part of a bigger family, even when they’re spread across stores or working remotely. Think fun team-building activities (online and offline), regular check-ins, and opportunities for growth. Happy staff equals happy customers, right? qAccording to Gartner, a staggering 65% of HR leaders now consider employee experience their top focus. In Malaysia, a recent TalentCorp survey revealed that 77% of employees prioritize a positive work culture, highlighting the growing importance of employee well-being and engagement.

    Impact on Training: This means moving beyond technical skills training and incorporating soft skills development like communication, teamwork, and emotional intelligence. Additionally, fostering a growth mindset through mentorship programs and career development opportunities can boost employee satisfaction and retention.


    1. Culture Craving


    With the physical walls blurring, building a strong company culture becomes crucial. We need to inject that sense of belonging and shared values into every training session. Imagine interactive workshops where teams from different stores collaborate on virtual projects, or online communities where employees can share best practices and support each other. It’s about creating a vibe that transcends distance and keeps everyone feeling connected. Gartner emphasizes the need for a strong company culture, especially with the rise of remote and hybrid work models. In Malaysia, a PwC study found that 58% of employees believe a strong company culture is essential for attracting and retaining talent.

    Impact on Training: Training programs should emphasize collaborative learning activities that bridge physical and virtual teams. Building online communities for knowledge sharing and peer support can further strengthen the sense of belonging.


    1. Tech Tsunami


    Automation is no longer a sci-fi movie; it’s Realität! HR platforms, AI-powered training modules, and even virtual reality simulations – these are the tools of the trade now. We gotta embrace them and equip our trainers with the skills to navigate this tech jungle. Think gamified learning experiences, personalized learning paths based on individual needs, and real-time performance tracking – all powered by the magic of technology. Gartner highlights the increasing role of technology in HR, including HR platforms, AI-powered training modules, and VR simulations. In Malaysia, the government’s Digital Leap initiative aims to boost tech adoption in various sectors, including retail.

    Impact on Training: Retail training providers need to invest in tech-enabled learning solutions like gamified modules, personalized learning paths, and performance-tracking tools. Equipping trainers with the skills to utilize these technologies effectively will be crucial.


    1. Fostering Adaptability and Change Agility


    The retail landscape is a chameleon, constantly shifting colors. We need to train our folks to be adaptable ninjas, ready to roll with the punches. This means courses on embracing new technologies, learning new skills on the fly, and staying flexible in the face of uncertainty. Think bite-sized, just-in-time training modules that can be accessed anytime, anywhere, so our retail heroes can stay ahead of the curve. Gartner emphasizes the need for employees to be adaptable to the changing retail landscape. In Malaysia, the rapid e-commerce growth necessitates a workforce comfortable with embracing new technologies and business models.

    Impact on Training: Training programs should incorporate bite-sized, just-in-time modules that can be accessed on-demand. Additionally, scenario-based learning can help employees develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills to navigate uncertainty.


    By embracing these trends and adapting training approaches, we can equip Malaysian retail employees with the skills and mindset to thrive in the ever-evolving retail landscape. Remember, happy, engaged, and tech-savvy employees are the key to unlocking success in this new retail era, and we, the retail training providers, are here to make sure they’ve got the keys!


    Ready to conquer the retail challenges of 2024? Let’s unlock your team’s hidden superpowers through our game-changing training programs .


    Source: Where HR Will Focus in 2024

    Written by Amir Ashraff

    SHRA Corporate Trainer


    Amir, serving as an esteemed trainer at SH Retail Academy, brings an impressive academic background with his highest qualification being in the education sector. His fervor for imparting knowledge, coupled with his expertise in business acumen, has endowed him with a wealth of experience spanning various domains including teaching, training, retail management, and operations management. Specializing in Customer Service within the retail industry, Amir’s unique blend of educational prowess and business savvy positions him as an invaluable asset in both academic and professional spheres, particularly in enhancing customer experiences and service standards in the retail sector.

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  • 4 Biggest Challenges for Businesses in 2024

    4 Biggest Challenges for Businesses in 2024


    In today’s fast-paced business world, leaders are facing new and complex challenges. As I explored recent research on the top business challenges for 2024, it became evident that the role of leadership is undergoing a significant transformation. These challenges aren’t just theoretical concepts; they’re real issues that impact how businesses operate and succeed. Let’s dive into these challenges and understand what they mean for leaders today.


    Understanding the New Age of Leadership


    1. Navigating Through Constant Disruption

    Gone are the days when supply chain disruptions and talent acquisition were the primary concerns for leaders. Today, we’re looking at a broader spectrum. Leaders at all levels are grappling with the repercussions of sustained inflation and the looming specter of economic downturns. The statistics paint a clear picture: 34% are focused on inflation and economic downturn, 31% on evolving customer expectations, and 28% on adapting to ongoing changes and transformations.


    1. The Rise of Tech-Savvy Leadership

    In our digital-first world, being tech-savvy is no longer a luxury but a necessity for leaders. About one-third of professionals I spoke with highlighted the acceleration of digital technology as a top business challenge. Interestingly, 46% foresee a growing need to adapt to emerging technologies, such as generative AI, underscoring the importance of technological fluency in leadership.


    1. Humanizing Leadership in a Digital World

    As much as we emphasize technological skills, the essence of leadership remains deeply rooted in human interaction. Leaders must continue to inspire, motivate, and foster a sense of belonging among their teams. The focus is now on building a diverse and inclusive culture (31%) and driving employee inspiration and motivation (30%).


    1. Leading in a Hybrid Work Environment

    The concept of a fixed workplace is becoming obsolete. Today’s leaders are expected to manage teams across various environments, from on-site to fully remote. This is not a short-term adjustment but a complex, ongoing challenge. A significant 48% of respondents emphasize the need to ensure productivity and business growth amidst the growing adoption of hybrid, gig, and dynamic work models.


    Reflecting on Primed HR advisors’ findings, there’s a noticeable alignment with these challenges. Key areas like people management, inflation, hybrid working models, customer success, and the implications of AI and automation are highlighted as critical.


    Strategies for the Future

    Based on these insights, it’s clear that leaders in 2024 will need to:


    1. Embrace Continuous Learning:

      Staying abreast of technological advancements and evolving management practices is essential.

    2. Prioritize People Skills:

      Cultivating an inclusive, motivating, and well-being-focused culture is crucial.

    3. Adapt Financial Strategies:

      Proactive inflation management and cash flow strategies are key.

    4. Rethink Workspace Dynamics: 

      Balancing the needs of diverse work environments is essential.

    5. Navigate AI Ethically:

      Leaders must be mindful of legal compliance and data privacy in AI integration.


    In conclusion, leadership in 2024 will be about blending adaptability, empathy, and strategic foresight. It’s a story of transforming challenges into growth opportunities, ensuring organizations not only survive but thrive in these dynamic times. This research not only illuminated the path ahead but also inspired a renewed approach to effective and empathetic leadership.


    Written by Amir Ashraff

    SHRA Corporate Trainer


    Amir is a trainer from SH Retail Academy. His highest education is in the education field. His passion for teaching and business handling gives him a lot of experience in teaching, training, retailing, business management and operation management. His hobbies include learning new skills and gaming.

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  • 3 In 5 Malaysians Are Afraid Of Losing Their Jobs – Randstad Workmonitor 2023

    3 In 5 Malaysians Are Afraid Of Losing Their Jobs – Randstad Workmonitor 2023


    In Malaysia, amidst a softening economy with global business restructuring, rising operating costs, and high interest rates, the concern for job security is more prevalent than ever. A Randstad survey revealed that 60% of Malaysians fear job loss, emphasizing the importance of financial and job stability. As the largest talent agency globally, Randstad’s 2023 Workmonitor highlights the workforce’s sentiments and perceptions in the local job market.


    Job security is not just about financial stability; it also offers peace of mind, reducing stress and anxiety. Despite 80% of Malaysians being concerned about economic impacts on their livelihood, 86% are confident in their employers’ ability to provide job security. Employers are urged to support their employees, as their approach to employee welfare is crucial in attracting job seekers.


    A significant 65% of Malaysian workers wouldn’t accept a job without a substantial salary increase, underlining the priority of income stability. With rising living costs, 38% have left jobs due to low wages, and 34% are considering resigning for better pay. Employers need to be mindful of financial decisions impacting income stability and remain competitive in salary offerings.


    Many Malaysians are postponing retirement due to financial constraints. With 80% unable to retire as planned, 32% delay retirement to manage living costs. In times of business restructuring, employees expect financial assistance and job placement services. If layoffs occur, they seek extended company-paid benefits and access to outplacement services.


    The survey, conducted in October 2022 with 750 respondents aged 18-67, sheds light on the workforce’s concerns and aspirations.


    In response to these challenges, individuals can take proactive steps:

    1. Upgrade Your Value: Personal development is key. Engaging in courses on emotional management or learning new technical skills can enhance personal value.
    2. Improve Internal Processes at Work: Implementing new skills in the workplace is crucial. It’s essential to apply what’s learned to increase your professional worth.
    3. Transform Your Mindset at Work: Embrace new challenges and opportunities with confidence. Recognize your potential and take the initiative in your professional environment.


    Every effort towards self-improvement and adapting in the workplace contributes to a more secure and confident future, navigating through the challenges of the current economic climate in Malaysia.



    Written by Amir Ashraff

    SHRA Corporate Trainer

    Amir is a trainer from SH Retail Academy. His highest education is in the education field. His passion for teaching and business handling gives him a lot of experience in teaching, training, retailing, business management and operation management. His hobbies include learning new skills and gaming.

     1,863 total views,  10 views today



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