Offline & Online
4-8 Hour Intensive Course
Conducted in BM & English Adaptive
a. To understand the benefits of implementing 5S in the workplace
b. To organize work area for effectiveness and efficiency in the workplace
c. To implement techniques and strategies for productivity improvement
Introduction To Productivity
Core Of 5S
Putting 5S Into Practice
Keeping Up With 5S
a. Understand business process and operations from a general management perspective.
b. Learn tools, analytical frameworks and general principles for managing operations.
c. Enhance capability to identify inefficiency and ineffectiveness in business operations and propose adequate minor changes or major redesigns to improve the process.
Fundamentals Of Operational Management
Authority And Operational Excellence
Managing With Diplomacy
Management Benchmark
Tools For Operational Control
a. Execute asset management effectively
b. Provide accurate information for decision making when handling asset
c. Improve the current records and tracking systems
Introduction To Asset Management?
The Main Principles Of Asset Management
Financial Audit
X Stocks Management
Slow Movement Stocks Management
Stocks Orders
Auto Replenish Transaction (ART) Settings
To enhance operational efficiency and customer satisfaction in the service industry by providing logistic officers and drivers with essential skills for seamless coordination and effective communication.
1. Techniques to liaise with customers using customer-centric way.
2. Premium and Friendly Delivery
3. Communication skills to provide clear, friendly, and helpful interactions with customers during the last mile delivery process.
4. Professional Appearance & Cleanliness
1. Understand principles for safer forklift operation, the types and its operation procedures
2. Develop skills to operate forklift safely.
1. Forklift Truck Components
2. Daily Forklift Truck Inspection
3. Understanding Gears & Operation Controls
4. Forklift Truck Training Assessment
1. Acquire right mindset and attitude to be a responsible driver
2. Master skills to prevent and avoid accident
3. Practice correct steering, emergency braking techniques
4. Comply to vehicle safety requirements
1. Mindset and Attitude For Safe Driving
2. Principles of Defensive Driving
3. Driving Hazards and Distractions
4. Vehicle Safety (Pre-Drive Checklist)
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