How I Achieved My New Year’s Resolution With E-Learning

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How I Achieved My New Year’s Resolution With E-Learning

The fact that you are reading this now means you want to become part of that 20% to maintain and achieve your new year’s resolution! However before we begin, I’d like you to take out your resolution list and take a look at those goals! Much like Marie Kondo, we’re going to look through these goals and identify which one of these resolutions spark joy when achieved and which one sparks little to no joy at all when achieved. Let’s take a moment to really focus on the goals that truly spark joy within us before we continue on.

Done? Now that we have a list of goals that we truly want to achieve and truly spark joy in us in both the end result and the process, we can begin to take a look at how to achieve these resolutions! Allow me to share with you how I managed to achieve my new year’s resolution with the help of E-Learning!

How I Achieved My New Year’s Resolution With E-Learning! 

  • Build Your New Year’s Resolution Like A Habit!
  • Instead Of All Or Nothing, Try A Little Bit To Something!
  • Don’t Keep It In Our Dreams, Practice It In Reality!


Build Your New Year’s Resolution Like A Habit!


I used to belong to that 80% of people that gave up on my new year’s resolution by February. In my mind, when I first started it was smooth and for a purpose, but as time went by, it became clear to me that achieving this goal requires much more than what I initially thought so I gave up. If you are like me, worry not because we can overcome this together! The secret behind it is to not think of achieving the goal but to think of achieving the habit that leads to the goal! Recently I came across this course that talks about goal setting and habit formation on e-learning, and it really put things into perspective for me. So I sat down and began thinking of what habit I needed to have in order to hit the dream body I want! 

If you are curious about what habit I set, well it is to wake up at 5:15am sharp every morning! You might be thinking this is not related to building my dream body. To that I say, I have been consistently working out till this day when I would normally give up after 3 days. My goal of getting a dream body which seemed far away became having the habit of waking up every morning for my own good! I would sometimes get out of bed without fully opening my eyes, before I knew it, I was already at my family hall, ready to workout. So instead of setting a goal that’s far away, we can begin by focusing on developing a single habit that leads to the process of achieving that goal!


Instead Of All Or Nothing, Try A Little Bit To Something


Controversy alert, we don’t have to always go all out to achieve something! There I said it, we really don’t have to make this into an all or nothing scenario! Most of us tend to focus on going all out to achieve our goals or resolutions that we tend to burn our motivation, perseverance and ourselves out! What’s more we might have the tendency to give up on our 20 day streak just because we missed 1 day that ruined the whole plan if we have this mindset! As you have suspected, listening to e-learning courses whenever I drive made me realize this point! The idea is to start small and pick up where we left off or restart when something affects our plan!

One of my new year’s resolutions is to make sure I spend a balanced amount of time between my friends, family, loved ones, work and myself. In the past, I would catch up with this friend during new year’s and because I missed one reply, I would stop talking to this friend all together until the new year only to reply “OMG it has been soooo long since we talked”. In this new year, my goal remains the same but the difference is the mindset I have now. It’s alright if I miss a day or two and it’s alright if I have to make certain sacrifices to my schedule due to last minute things. What is most important for me is to continue and never stop. No matter how little progress it is or how much I have to restart, as long as I don’t stop, it will go somewhere!


Don’t Keep It In Our Dreams, Practice It In Reality


Admittedly one of my goals is to get better at cooking and preparing balanced diet meals for my weight, and to prepare for a special future someone. Yet somehow after 4 years, I never managed to get any better at cooking. Sure I know more recipes now and told myself I would practice during the weekends but it never happened! So what changed? I decided it was time to turn dreams into reality, I decided instead of cooking “when I have free time” I would practice it every Thursday night at 9pm and watch an e-learning course on how to cook better! Whenever I had something that takes up that time, I would compromise, but the next night I would get back to it because I now have a clear picture of how practice cooking looks like in my actual day to day life!

Every Thursday night I would whip out my phone and look at the culinary courses and look at them while getting my ingredients and tools ready in hand. What I found hard to fit even 30 minutes in the past became something I could do every Thursday night for 1 hour consistently! The reason as mentioned is actually putting it into my day to day schedule. Most of us would think of doing this or doing that when we have free time, but the truth is, we are never going to have free time unless we set the intention to create a free time for us to do the things we want to! It may even be as easy as looking up simple bite size e-learning courses on the topic you are interested in before you head to bed! All it takes is for us to set the intention and the time to do it in the first place and the rest is history!


In short, it was thanks to e-learning that made me realize the gaps I had when it came to making new year’s resolutions and it even helped me to set up a schedule to achieve one of my longest goals! Of course there are many more tips and tricks for us to achieve our new year goal or even attain a better quality of life within E-learning. After all, it is a site filled with bite size hidden gems for the busy life! Interested in looking up e-learning platforms or courses but don’t know where to start? Fret not, you can check out our SHRA E-Learning Platform by contacting us here where you can have access to over 13,000 courses to improve your quality of life! Beware though, for starting your E-learning journey means you will achieve your goals, so are you ready to achieve them?


Written by Bryan Law Chu Zheng,

SHRA Corporate Trainer


Bryan is a member of the SHRA trainer team. He is a major in Psychology with a retail background. He has a deep passion for human interaction and personal development.

You can catch him dancing or playing the uke on a lazy Sunday afternoon. 

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