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Study Type

Offline & Online


4-8 Hour Intensive Course


Conducted in BM & English Adaptive



Our Motivation Training Is Suitable For

  • Sales person
  • Store Managers
  • Executives
  • Logistics Officers
  • Managers
  • Head Of Department


F.I.R.E Up Your Career

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a. Pinpoint their career goals and their source of motivation
b. Plan and gain their personal sales target
c. Increase sales performance with positive work culture
d. Close deals and handle work situations in a positive outlook
e. Self-motivate themselves and prevent work burnout

Intro Successful Individuals and Their Qualities


  • Comprehend successful individuals who work from the bottom
  • Understand qualities needed an individual to be successful
  • Get rid of the “stigma” that ambition is unachievable
  • How success can be instilled in life and daily work routine
  • Recognize the barriers of success

Keys of Success and Concept of Self-Motivation


  • Recognize the keys to success
  • Develop the relationship between motivation and success
  • Apprehend the concept of self-motivation
  • The blockages of motivation and the justification phrases used

How to Think “BIG


  • Identify the right mind-set for a champion
  • Recognize the difference between growth mind-set and fixed mind-set for success
  • Understand the importance of growth mind-set to success
  • Ways to cultivate a growth mindset for work success”

Self-Motivation Techniques


  • Recognize the source of motivations and types of goals produced
  • Conduct a goal setting plan
  • Evaluation of goals and tasks after achievement
  • Comprehend actions which could help strengthen self-motivation while conducting the plan

Commitment to Success 


  • Application of positive thinking  and attitude during work
  • Procrastination a serious enemy of success
  • Giving up is never an option in reaching for success

Personal Development: John Maxwell’s Secret to Success

Personal Development for Retailer

a. Recognize the key mistakes millennials are making at work which affects their level of satisfaction and motivation at work.
b. Leverage on strategies to build better rapport, become more persuasive and influential at work to obtain buy-in easily from others.
c. Manage expectations better at work to obtain higher job satisfaction.

Millennials at Work


  • The Reason Why People Stay In A Company
  • 5 Millennials problems in workplace
  • Common Workplace Conflicts And Strategies To Overcome Them
  • Understand Your Personality And Leverage On Strategies To Work Effectively With Different Personalities

Thinking Skills of Successful People – Big Picture Thinking


  • Is The Earth Round Or Flat
  • Big Picture Thinking Vs Our Own Point Of View
  • Case Study: Grab And Senheng
  • Applying Big Picture Thinking To Overcome Workplace Frustrations

Thinking Skills of Successful People – Possibility Thinking


  • The Cooking Mania: Working With Different Ingredients
  • Successful People Winning Psychology
  • Case Study: Huawei And Senheng
  • The Candle Problem: Why Can’t We Achieve More?

Getting Leadership Buy-In for Your Vision


  • Using The Two Thinking Skills To Overcome Problems And Obtain Leadership Buy-In
  • Obtain Agreement Through Chunking Technique
  • NLP Communication Techniques For Persuasion And Influencing
  • Connecting The Dots With Your Team Members

Thinking Skills of Successful People – Shared Thinking (1)


  • Leverage On Team’s Strengths
  • Solo Thinking Vs Shared Thinking
  • Case Study: How Lenovo Innovates Through Shared Thinking
  • Case Study: How Senheng Practice Shared Thinking With Business Partners, Employees And Customers

Thinking Skills of Successful People – Shared Thinking (2)


  • Team SWOT Analysis
  • Move From Competition To Cooperation
  • Adding Value
  • Create Safe Environment For Collaboration
  • Manage Disagreements

Thinking Skills of Successful People – Focused Thinking (1)


  • Test Your Focused Thinking
  • Focused Thinking Vs Unfocused Thinking
  • How GIG Economy And Algorithm Management Impact The Way Work
  • Case Study: How Haier Practice 4 Thinking Skills

Thinking Skills of Successful People – Focused Thinking (2) & Work Satisfaction


  • Case Study: How Senheng Practice 4 Thinking Skills
  • What We Focus On Changes Our Brain
  • 3 Strategies To Develop Focused Thinking
  • Case Study: KPMG’s Purpose Driven Workplace
  • Finding Purpose In Your Work”

Achieving Excellence Through Passion


a. Discover the untapped wealth of your potential
b. Review the principle keys to realizing and maximizing your true capacity
c. Determine the principles of peak performance
d. Activate a permanent change in attitude for better career advancement
e. Delete mediocre thinking and install an excellent positive behavior

Life’s Flat Tires


  • Identifying Strength and Weaknesses
  • Common Problems happen in life
  • Common Challenges faced in lives
  • Introducing the Power of Roadmap
  • Importance Essential Skills in problem-solving


What You Need To Do Next?


  • Common Challenges in problem-solving
  • Importance of “Power of Roadmap” in Achieving Goals
  • Purpose of Power of Roadmap
  • Techniques in working with the Personal Power Roadmap
  • Use of “START NOW” in finding problems


Personal Powerful Roadmap Chart


  • Introducing Real Life Experiences
  • Using Roadmap to Make a Decision
  • Using Roadmap to Set Goals
  • Using Roadmap to Create Projects
  • Testing the Personal Power Roadmap with a Real Life Scenario


Imagination Runs Wild


  • Using Imagination to Change Life
  • Techniques to Hone Imagination
  • Ways to Boost Motivation using Imagination
  • Using Tree to Sketch Problems
  • Connect Imagination with the Roadmap Chart


Using Ikigai Roadmap to Passion


  • Finding New Ideas and Link Seemingly Unrelated Ideas
  • Techniques to Hone Cognition
  • Importance of Knowledge
  • Making a Roadmap in a Box


Essential Skill: Motivation


  • Challenges in Continuing the Journey
  • Introducing Image Creation or Word Exercise
  • Methods to Sharpen Motivation
  • Importance of Using Motivational Saying
  • Utilizing Personal Power Roadmap for Goals and Resolution

Getting Out of Your Paper Bag


  • Common Problems Pestering by NATs
  • Methods in Using Four Thinking Hats to Mind Map
  • Using Four Thinking Hats to End Procrastination
  • “Strive For Excellence, Not Perfection”
  • Applying Personal Power Roadmap to Life’s Flat Tire”

Personal SWOT Analysis for Success

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a. Identify their strengths and weaknesses through conducting a personal SWOT analysis.
b. Recognize that each of us have unconscious bias and learn how to eliminate it in order to become more objective.
c. Identify the role and impact of their work in the company’s value chain.
d. Leverage on social intelligence to get ahead at work.

Self-Discovery for Personal Growth


  • Top Skills Needed to Build a Strong Personality
  • Discover Your Top 5 Strengths
  • Personal SWOT Analysis
  • Recognize and Overcome Your Unconscious Bias
  • Turning Your SWOT Analysis into Actionable Strategies

Make Your Customers Fall In Love with You

  • Why Customer Service is Everyone’s Job?
  • How VOC Materialize to Product and Services?
  • Identify Your Role and its Impact to the Value Chain
  • Understand What Your Customers Value

Become a Better Version of Yourself at Work


  • The Power of Personal Accountability
  • How Responsive Are You?
  • Tapping into Social Intelligence for Enhanced Success
  • Be a 360° Team Player through a Basketball Game Walkthrough
  • The 7 Day Challenge for You”

Management: Resilient Management Skills


a. How resilient management works effectively in an organization
b. Apply new ways of resilient management in an organization
c. Embrace new changes easily in your industry

Fundamental of Management


  • Concept of Management
  • The Manager’s Approach
  • New Methods Replace Old Methods
  • Workplace practices that hinders resilience
  • Importance of Management in an Organization

Principles of Management


  • What is Management
  • Common Problems of No Management
  • Knowing the Objectives of Managing
  • Positioning and Responsibilities
  • Mixture of Identity

Classification of Management


  • Management Areas
  • Management Proficiency
  • Finding the Goals of the Organization
  • Knowing the Vision of the Organization
  • How to create resilient habits in your team

Achieve Better Management Skills


  • Rules of resilient management
  • Roles leaders need to practice when implementing Resilient management
  • Comprehending in Economic, Effective and Efficient Management

Attitude in Management


  • Characteristics of Resilient management
  • Finding the Differences
  • Common Practices of Attitude in Management
  • Introducing Scientific Methods in Management
  • Having Efficiency Awareness

Workplace Pressure and Emotional Management

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a. Employ physical & mental techniques to deal with stress
b. Implement tactics of effective stress management
c. Handle destructive emotions at work

What Is Stress?


  • Aware of one’s level of stress
  • Negative consequences of stress on physical, mental, and social well-being
  • Diseases and illness that can be caused by chronic stress
  • Stress is caused by multiple factors
  • Physical, mental and behavioral symptoms of high level of stress

Types Of Stress


  • Different types of stress
  • Positive and negative consequences of both types of stress
  • Distress can be reduced to eustress
  • How to differentiate between the two types of stress
  • What is the optimal level of stress?


Do’s And Don’ts During Stressful Moments


  • What are the good things to do to reduce distress?
  • What are the things to avoid doing to control the stress level?
  • Different individuals have different preference for managing stress
  • Increase the level of awareness of one engaging in activities that elevate stress level

Modify The Emotional Response


  • Stressful events are uncontrollable, but emotions are modifiable
  • The relationship between mental images and emotions
  • Why emotions alteration is important to manage stress?
  • Common mistakes when changing the link between stressful events and negative emotions
  • How to change the emotions towards a stressful event?


Introduction To Emotions


  • What are emotions?
  • Different types of emotions
  • Facial expression or behavior of each emotion
  • Role of emotions play in daily life
  • The 7 universal emotions

Positive/ Negative Emotions?


  • What are the positive emotions?
  • What are the negative emotions?
  • Why they are labelled as positive or negative?
  • Are there really positive or negative?
  • Physical and mental changes when different types of emotions are provoked

The Driving Emotions


  • Emotions that drive you to your goals
  • Reasons of choosing the driving emotion
  • Importance of the emotion in your personal & work life
  • Adjustment or reaffirmation of the selected driving emotion
  • How to stick with the driving emotion?

Leader MotivationX (8 Hours F2F)

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a. Examine the connection between employee motivation and performance.
b. Establish a clear goal and vision for the team.
c. Identify specific workplace motivational issues that hinders team performance.
d. Create strategies for improving team motivation with diverse personality types.

Session 1


  • What Is Motivation
  • What Motivates You At Work?
  • Goal Setting For Managers
  • Why Need To Dream Big?
  • Self-Exploration: Our Values At Work
  • Roadblocks To Motivating Employees
  • Psychological Hacks To Boost Motivation
  • Creating A Motivational Team
  • Reinforcing Powerful Behaviors
  • Daily Motivation Hacks To Achieve Your Dream

Leader MotivationX (2 Hours Online)

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a. Examine the connection between employee motivation and performance.
b. Establish a clear goal and vision for the team.
c. Identify specific workplace motivational issues that hinders team performance.
d. Create strategies for improving team motivation with diverse personality types.

Session 1


  • What Is Motivation
  • What Motivates You At Work?
  • Goal Setting For Managers
  • Why Need To Dream Big?
  • Self-Exploration: Our Values At Work
  • Roadblocks To Motivating Employees
  • Creating A Motivational Team
  • Daily Motivation Hacks To Achieve Your Dream

VIBES: Versatility

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To identify the importance of adaptability and how to cultivate a versatile mindset

  • KATA as technique to sustain good habits

Super TM: Motivation

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  • Breakout of Comfort Zone: Explore Career Advancement In Sales
  • Think Outside The Box To Thrive In Competitive Market Environment
  • 10 ways to motivate yourself technique

Star Cashier: Motivation

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  • Breakout of Comfort Zone: Explore Career Advancement In Sales
  • Think Outside The Box To Thrive In Competitive Market Environment
  • 10 ways to motivate yourself technique

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