On Demand Learning: E-Learning As A Lifestyle

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On Demand Learning: E-Learning As A Lifestyle

Chances are you are reading this article on your mobile phone, laptop or even tablet (don’t worry desktop users, we know you’re reading this too!) These wonderful devices take convenience to a whole new level and it is also one of the most crucial tools to help us on our journey to learn and become better ourselves!


The pandemic has sped up the advancement of our technology and has given us the freedom to choose where we work, how we work and when we work. This has also given us the chance to choose where we learn, how we learn and when we learn! If you’re curious to find out how you can incorporate your upskilling journey into your busy schedule, look no further as we will be sharing how you can make on demand learning a lifestyle for you!


On Demand Learning: E-Learning As A Lifestyle

  1. Filling up awkward timings!
  2. Making things interesting anytime, anywhere!
  3. A staple for starting the day or ending the night!



Filling Up Awkward Timings!


Have you ever had the experience of arriving a little too early to a meet up and are unsure of what to do to fill up the time? Or even arriving on time but having to wait for your acquaintance? If so you are definitely not alone as many of us have friends that often run late, yet this is actually a golden opportunity for us to learn and upskill! Just last week I had to wait for a friend who was running late due to a slight issue with his car insurance. In hindsight, if I had chosen to just sit there and wait, I would have wasted a total of 45 minutes just waiting for him to arrive!


Fortunately, I whipped out my phone and began looking at some bite size videos and courses rather than just sitting and waiting! By the time he arrived, I had already earned two certificates in new retail and the Netflix experience from SHRA E-Learning platform. We then proceeded to discuss what to do next instead of the usual bickering of how late he was and how I had to find things to fill up my own time. Anytime we have an awkward amount of time in our hands is a good time for us to learn something new and upskill ourselves! No extra time required from our packed schedule!



Making Things Interesting Anytime, Anywhere!


Did you know that people all around the globe lose an average of 26 days to wasted time? 44% of this wasted time is due to sitting in traffic! Many of us understand the boredom of driving through high traffic areas or the boredom of sitting through a 30 minute packed ride on the commute. Although we can’t do much as we are on the go either in the car or commuting, there is one thing we can do! That my dear readers, is upskilling and learning! Rest assured, this act does not involve phubbing and driving.


Take my experience in a 5-hour drive back from Johor to Kuala Lumpur last week thanks to traffic, I learnt how to become better in delivering messages by using the right words, learnt some techniques in digital marketing to attract viewer attention as well as the secrets to convey difficult concepts through simple images! Besides making a boring drive more interesting, I am also taking a positive step in my career with these videos! How does it help you ask? Before I started my journey, I submitted my resume and my targeted position onto the platform! It then provided me with suggested learning courses based on the skills I lacked! So you won’t need to pick the relevant courses from thousands of courses while driving and you definitely won’t need to sit through the time-wasting traffic while feeling bored! Two birds with one stone!



A Staple For Starting The Day Or Ending The Night!


Thanks to the pandemic, many of us revisited our lifestyle and put a huge emphasis on both our physical health and our mental health. The same goes for me as I began to work out early in the morning before heading to work! And what better way to start the day off by listening to inspiring speakers such as Simon Sinek before beginning my workout session or listening to insightful sharings by Elon Musk before heading to bed for the night? If that sounds like life for you, it can be! Take my general experience with on demand learning as an example.


The SHRA E-Learning platform gives me the option to personalize my learning pathway and options to go for other courses as well. So I can pick motivational videos and inspirational sharings in the morning to fill my work out sessions with energy to keep my body healthy yet still have the option to pick insightful sharings and techniques to better manage my emotional well being at the end of the day for a reflection on my mental well being! Jogging in the park, hitting the gym and doing yoga now has that additional ohm factor. Moreover, we even have better directions in terms of reflections and maintaining our mental wellbeing! 


Adopting On Demand Learning into our busy schedule and lifestyle is actually as easy as ABC! Rather than taking out more time, it helps us maximize time that would otherwise be wasted! Furthermore you can take your E-learning journey further with SHRA E-Learning platform! Beyond the skill gap analysis from your resume and the personalized learning pathway, it contains over 13,000 courses and many other benefits for you! Check out our page or sign up for our e-learning platform here to begin your upskilling journey today! If you’d like to check out our other programs, feel free to check out our HRDF Training.


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    Written by Bryan Law Chu Zheng,

    SHRA Corporate Trainer


    Bryan is a member of the SHRA trainer team. He is a major in Psychology with a retail background. He has a deep passion for human interaction and personal development.

    You can catch him dancing or playing the uke on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

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