What is SHRA E-Learning Platform?

what is shra e learning platform

What is SHRA E-Learning Platform?

SHRA E-Learning Platform? Is this another platform like LinkedIn Learning, Udemy, AirAsia Academy?

It is an e-learning platform, but offers much more than that!

SHRA E-Learning Platform Is….

  • Offering 13,000 high quality courses with instructors such as Elon Musk, Simon Sinek etc.
  • Using Artificial Intelligence to identify skills gap based on industry benchmark
  • Giving freedom and convenience for every learner to personalize their learning path
  • A platform that allows you to learn and earn

Want to understand more about SHRA E-Learning Platform? Want to try out 13,000 programs for FREE?

Sure, no problem. Read our article to find out more! 

We will talk about these topics in this article.

  • Challenges In Human Capital Development
  • What is SHRA E-Learning Platform
  • Redeem 3 month free access of SHRA-E-Leaning platform


Challenges In Human Capital Development


When we want to do something, offer a new product or make a business decisions, there is always a reason, there is always a pain point to solve. 

Before sharing with you on our platform, I will share with you on the WHY, and pain points of current challenges in human capital development for retailers. 

These are the common concerns we hear from the retailers, and it goes like this. 

“We would like to train our staff BUT…….”


BUT…not enough manpower in the shop

BUT…the training hours are too long

BUT…I don’t have enough staff to organize an in-house program

BUT…it is expensive

BUT…need a lot of effort to persuade them to join training

BUT…I don’t know where to start


These struggles are real. And, we hear you. In this article, I won’t address each pain point, perhaps in the future article I will consider to do so. 

To simplify, these challenges are categorized into 3 things: time, money, motivation.

  • How can we allow our employees to upskill themselves without taking away too much of their time and minimizing impact to manpower management in the shop?
  • How can we register for a more cost effective training, utilizing technology and at the same time enjoying human touch?
  • How can we motivate our staff to learn, without forcing them?

A life without growth is just like a dead plant just waiting to be cut off. On the other hand, learning can give the ‘dead’ plant to re-live so its life is full of knowledge and growth, to lift up the value of the plant.

Let’s find out how SHRA E-Learning platform can overcome these challenges and lift up each of our human capital’s value.


What is SHRA E-Learning Platform?


To answer these 3 questions, this is where SHRA E-Learning Platform is born.




Learners have the freedom to choose what to learn, when to learn and how to learn, as you can access to the courses ANYTIME, ANYWHERE. You just need a phone and internet. Easy right?

If you would like to learn during off peak hours in the shop, you CAN! If you would like to learn during your off day, you CAN! If you would like to learn while your kids are sleeping, you CAN!

So, bosses, you don’t have to worry, that training WILL NOT take away a lot of your employees’ time to do sales or complete their work, as they can learn with their own pace.




We offer more than 13,000 courses for you to choose from, and these are good quality courses from instructors all over the world such as Simon Sinek, Elon Musk, and of course with SHRA instructors for retail-based courses. 

Compared to other live classes out there, which may cost you hundreds or thousands to attend 1 session, now you get 13,000 courses, it is like you buy 1 and free 12,999. 

We also understand you want some human touch and learn through experiential learning, we do offer live classes within the subscription plan. Interested to know more? Drop us an enquiry!

The deal sounds attractive? Want to test it? NOW YOU CAN, for FREE! 

Now we are offering 3 MONTHS FREE ACCESS to all these 13,000 courses and other tools, which I will explain later on. Continue reading this article, and we will share with you how to redeem 3 months free access.




If we want to protect ourselves against COVID virus, we take Vitamin C and boost our immune system. 

What do we do if we want to protect our staff from burning out, protect them against  joining the Great Resignation force?


Training is like Vitamin C, help to boost immunity for the company to retain and engage staff. When we train, we feel refreshed, recharged and re-energized. 

  • Refreshed with the knowledge that we may have forgotten.
  • Recharged with the new knowledge and skills.
  • Re-energized to connect with people and exchange ideas. 

What motivates people the most is when we learn what interests us, what is relevant to us and what helps us to advance in our career. With our AI-driven skills gap analysis, we can instantly know what we need to upskill ourselves to meet market demands, and kickstart our personalized learning pathway.

The best part is as we learn, we earn. 10% S-Coin cashback will be given as rewards, so we can shop products we love and need in Senheng/senQ outlets.


Redeem 3 Month FREE access of SHRA-E-Learning platform


To try out this amazing platform? To redeem your 3 months free access, click here: https://shappp.onelink.me/uUns/8zus40jp and follow these steps.

SHRA E Learning Platform User Guide

SHRA E Learning Platform User Guide 1 SHRA E Learning Platform User Guide 2

SHRA E Learning Platform User Guide 3


Want to share out with your family and friends on this good deal of 3 Months Free Access? You are very welcomed to do so, the more the merrier! Please share this article, so more people can enjoy the 3 Months Free Access!

If you are interested to find out more about SHRA E-Learning platform, you could drop us a message or schedule a demo session with us here.


Written by Choon Ee May,

SHRA Training Manger

Ee May leads the training team to create high quality retail-based courses and provide impactful trainings. She is passionate in retail operations, where she loves to visit different retail shops even during her off day. Also, she loves data analysis, visualization and storytelling.

In her free time, she loves to explore vegetarian food and do volunteering work.

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