22 Feb Top 10 Leadership Skills In The Workplace
A company is only as good as its people. That’s why we need leaders. A Good leader:
- Sets the vision and steers the ship
- Motivates and raises the morale and confidence of employees
- Makes the tough call and solves critical problems
- Inspires collective identity and instills culture within the organization
- Communicates strategic direction clearly and listens to employee feedback
- Empowers employees to contribute towards achieving the organizations goals
Great leaders not only have the ability to communicate well, motivate their team, handle and delegate responsibilities, listen to feedback, and have the flexibility to solve problems in an ever-changing workplace, they create more leaders too!
By doing that, they expand their people’s capacity and so the organisation’s capacity to change and to grow. They increase its resilience, agility and capacity to succeed.
So, let’s have a look at the TOP TEN(10) leadership skills that can mould you into becoming a strong leader at your workplace:
1. Communication
Leaders with good communication skills are able to clearly and succinctly explain everything from organizational goals to specific tasks to their employees, boost their team’s productivity and morale, and subsequently enjoy better relationships with the people around them.
2. Motivation
Leaders inspire their employees to go the extra mile to help their organizations reach its goals; They have a clarity of purpose and keep their team engaged and focused. They do this by actively involving, entrusting and empowering their employees while caring and nurturing them to perform
at their best.
3. Delegating
Leaders who try to take on too many tasks by themselves will struggle to get anything done. A strong leader must know how and who to delegate to, as only by delegating tasks to staff members, can they focus on the tasks that really matter.
4. Positivity
A positive attitude can go a long way in an office. If employees feel that they work in a positive environment, they will be more likely to want to be at work, and will therefore be more willing to put in the long hours when needed.
5. Trustworthiness
Employees need to be able to feel comfortable coming to their manager or leader with questions and concerns. It is important for leaders to demonstrate their integrity – employees will only trust leaders they respect. By being open and honest, they can encourage the same sort of honesty in their employees.
6. Creativity
Most employees are impressed and inspired by a leader who doesn’t always choose the safe, conventional path. Therefore, a good leader needs to be able to think outside of the box. Creative leaders have the ability to create and realize innovative solutions especially in the face of structurally complex or changing situations.
7. Feedback
One of the most critical areas for leadership success is being able to give honest feedback: praise when it’s deserved and coaching in the moment. By giving constructive feedback, leaders help individuals grow by learning how they can improve and by reinforcing the activities they are doing well. This ultimately helps them achieve both personal and organizational goals.
8. Responsibility
Leaders manifest the quality of responsible behaviour through a willingness to take charge and not shirk from decisions, doing things for which there is no immediate reward, but that are in the organization’s best interests. Responsible leaders stay on top of problems by cultivating the mindset that says, “I am the person who must make this happen.”
9. Commitment
A leader who is committed shows the conviction and belief that the leader has in the cause. Commitment is a leadership quality that inspires and attracts people. A team will buy into the team leader before they buy into the vision. It is important for leaders to walk the talk and follow through with what they agree to do.
10. Flexibility
Good leaders know that although they are committed to their decisions, they have to stay flexible in their approach. Mishaps and last-minute changes always occur at work. Employees will appreciate a leader’s ability to accept changes in stride and find creative solutions. Similarly, leaders must be open to suggestions and feedback. They must always listen to their staff’s concern and be open to making necessary changes.
So, there you have it – The 10 essential leadership skills in the workplace. Research has shown that good leaders can make a success of a weak business plan, but a poor leader can destroy even the best plan. That’s why developing effective leadership by having a talent management program at all levels across the organization can return significant business value. Need help with that? With 10 programs just for leadership development, SHRA can help you build a more sustainable future. Get in touch us at www.shretailacademy.com.my to know more!
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